Maxima Kitchen Drawers In Form Of Pre-Assembled Drawer Kits. Complete With Base And Backs, Ready To Be Installed In A Kitchen Cabinet, Just Add Your Drawer Front.
> Height: 80mm> Oak decor finish> Supplied with soft-close runners> To fit cabinets: 600/800/900mm> Minimum internal depth required: 503mm
> Supplied with soft-close runners> Black matt finish> Height: 50mm> To fit cabinets: 600mm, 800mm and 900mm> Minimum internal depth required: 503mm
> Can be used to maximize storage in kitchen cupboards or as an additional shoe shelf in wardrobes> Compatible with Maxima Puro Drawer H=80mm> Made of exceptionally high-quality steel> Easy aplication> To fit cabinets: 600mm, 800mm and 900mm