> Blumotion for doors> Soft-close piston> Length: 50mm> Diameter: 9mm> Blum anti-slam piston 970.1002
> Zink plated> Made out of steel> Comes with a tightening nut> For recess mounting in 35mm drill hole> Worktop connector bolts 65mm or 150mm
> Push open piston for cabinet doors> For handleless doors> To be used with a springless hinge (70T3550)> Long version - stronger than the standard one> Around 38mm travel
> Allows mounting of a push latch inside cabinet (no drilling required)> Length: 60mm> Width: 15.5mm> Available in two colours anthracite grey and light grey> To fit 50mm or 80mm push latch
> Steel wooden shelf support pin with brake> Supports any thickness of the board> Dimensions provided on pictures > To fit 5 mm holes> Maximum 80kg load-bearing per 4 pins
> Gauge/thickness: 6mm> Lengths: 50/60/70/80/90/100/120/140/160/180/200/220/240/260/280/300mm> Drive type TX30: bit supplied with each box of screws> Head: countersunk> Highest quality - made in EU
> Folding support bracket for shelves > Max weight 40kg/50kg/60kg depending on length> Made out of steel> Locking system to prevent brackets from folding> 2 x folding brackets for mounting shelves on the wall
> Concealed shelf support > Chrome finish > Removable shelf> Consist of a plastic insert and chrome support> Available in 2 sizes
> Gauge/thickness: 6mm> Lengths: 50-300mm> Drive type TX30: bit supplied with each box of screws> Head: flange head> Highest quality - made in EU
> Made in EU> Zink plated steel> Total length 16mm> 5mm pin shelf support> Choose from qty of 20, 50, 100, 500 or 1000
> Supports any thickness of the board> Screw fixing> For wooden shelfs> Made out of steel> Maximum weight 40kg per pair
> Adjustment key for Multi Legs> Allows easy adjustment of back and corner cabinet legs> Length: 60cm> Can be cut down> Made out of aluminium + plastic
> Push open piston for cabinet doors> For handleless doors> To be used with a springless hinge> Short version> Around 17mm travel
> Gauge/thickness: 8mm> Lengths: 80-300mm> Drive type TX40: bit supplied with each box of screws> Head: flange head> Highest quality - made in EU
> Available in: white, anthracite grey or grey> 80mm long (70mm piston)> 2.5kg force> To be recessed in a carcass or fitted in a holder> Bumper or magnetic tip
> Choose from pack of 20,50,100,500 or a 1000> Steel support with silicone suction cup> To fit 5mm pre-drilled hole> High quality and heavy duty> Suction cup diameter 11mm